TUS Workshops in Digital Technologies

TUS Athlone hosted several workshops on the 18th of February. Over 35 students of the Certificate in Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings participated in four different defect detection and analysis workshops. Defect detection and analysis is one of the Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings course modules.  It focuses on teaching students how to use the […]

Applications Open for European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM) 2023

Applications are now open for the DASBE supported European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management 2023. This is a fantastic opportunity to study an internationally recognised Masters programme, complete an industry relevant dissertation and link with companies and research organisations across the EU. SESyM focuses on the multidisciplinary aspects of energy systems. It provides management […]

Lis O’Brien represents DASBE at CitA event

DASBE Manager, Lis O’ Brien, spoke at the recent CitA (Construction IT Alliance) event on digital acceleration. Lis discussed DASBE’s role in upskilling SME’s in the Built Environment. DASBE is offering construction professionals a range of programmes in Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digitalisation. You can watch her presentation on the CitA You Tube channel […]

DASBE promoted in SR54 Retrofit Standard Video

DASBE Manager, Lis O’Brien was interviewed as part of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) video shoot to promote the Amendment to S.R 54 Code of Practice for energy efficient retrofit of dwellings. As part of the interview, Lis promoted the DASBE Project and programmes. In addition, hear from Therese Clarke, Senior Scientific Officer […]

DASBE Showcasing Virtual Reality Tools

DASBE partners had a busy week showcasing the new DASBE VR educational tool across the TUS campuses. DASBE is developing Virtual Reality tools and the first Virtual Reality educational prototype has been created. For the past year, a team of VR developers in collaboration with industry experts have been building a Virtual Reality prototype that […]

Virtual Reality Tools in DASBE Programmes

DASBE Virtual Reality

For a year now, a team of VR developers in collaboration with industry experts have been building a Virtual Reality prototype that aligns with the goals of the DASBE project. About DASBE DASBE (Digital Academy for the Sustainable Built Environment) is a hub for upskilling, capacity building and education in the construction sector. DASBE will […]

TUS Midwest Autumn Programme Update

A number of TUS Midwest courses kicked off recently featuring some great guest speakers and site visits. Certificate in Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings There are 45 industry attendees registered for this level 8, 30-week blended course. To date, 3 lecture days have taken place on Fridays featuring some excellent guest speakers from the Department […]