DASBE Projects

Digital Platform Project

DASBE is launching a Digital Platform to enable learners to undertake a range of programmes ranging from micro-accreditation (including digital badges), Special Purpose Awards (Certificates), and Minor and Major awards focusing on specific topics, needs and requirements in the construction sector.
Home 1
Image Source: Juley McGourty

Current Status:

In Development

Project Leaders

Juley McGourty
DASBE Technician
Technological University of the Shannon
14.09.21.          Juley McGourty, LIT Thurles. Picture: Alan Place

Project Description

The DASBE platform will be a resource for the construction industry to find relevant accredited training courses in both academia and industry.

As part of this initiative, DASBE will create and launch an innovative and unique Digital Platform (the Platform) to enable learners to undertake a range of programmes ranging from Level 6 to Level 9 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Programme awards will vary from micro-accreditation (including digital badges), and Special Purpose (Certificates), to Minor and Major awards.

Programmes will be hosted on the Platform, or redirect links will provide access to the Programme Provider’s institutional Learner Management System (LMS) and direct programme content. Programmes will focus on specific topics, and the needs and requirements of the construction sector, including low energy buildings design, and the application of Virtual Reality in building surveying.

The DASBE Project’s primary objective is to reduce the education and training skills gap that has arisen in the construction sector. As part of this primary objective, and in collaboration with the DASBE consortium, the Digital Platform will centralise, support, and deliver many of the educational requirements needed to address the gap.

Project Milestones

July 2021
Digital Platform KOM
July 2021
January 2022
Design Brief Completed
January 2022
January 2023
Internal pre-Pilot Completed
January 2023
January 2024
Platform Beta Release
January 2024
April 2024
Platform Beta Feedback Implementation
April 2024

Project Phases

Digital Platform Objectives

The DASBE Project will:

  • Research and analyse existing centralised educational digital platforms best practice, both internationally, and nationally within Ireland.
  • Design and develop a DASBE website portal to drive learners towards DASBE-facilitated programmes for the construction sector.
  • Design and develop a bespoke online Digital Platform to deliver and host training and educational programmes for the construction sector.
  • Enable DASBE target group to plan and undertake upskilling and education in line with market trends and demands.
  • Establish sustainability and scalability, through simple modular delivery, and iterative continuous improvement applications.
Standalone Value

Currently, there is no national central portal through which construction workers and professionals can access and engage in upskilling on matters relevant to sustainability, including energy efficiency and circular economy.

The primary functional driver of the website and Platform is understanding how the target audience will utilise the Platform. The website and by extension the Platform will add value to the learner, by delivering a personalised experience that is helpful, impactful, and relevant to the learner on their individual educational journey

Informed Best Practice Principles

The DASBE Project utilizes a highly innovative and transformative model using collaborative approaches
that are informed by best practice internationally. Current and future workers in the construction sector
require education and training opportunities that are flexible, accessible, and responsive to the ever-changing demands of the industry.

As an integral part of this solution, the Digital Platform will provide a supportive and centralised location
to access the high-quality, and construction-related educational content being developed by the
consortium institutions. Having a centralised location for the information and delivery, not only combines
resources and ensures that no two institutions are offering the same programmes, but additionally,
ensures that the programmes are made available to as many learners in the construction sector as

Project Gallery

Pre-Pilot Launch Gallery
Image Source: Juley McGourty
Platform Elements
Image Source: Juley McGourty

Project Videos

Digital Platform - Example of Login
Play Video
Video Source: Juley McGourty
Digital Platform - Example of Landing
Play Video
Video Source: Juley McGourty
Digital Platform - Example of Architecture
Play Video
Video Source: Juley McGourty

Next Steps:

DASBE is about connecting institutions and industry and bringing these partner groups together to collaboratively resolve the education skills gap that is currently impacting the construction sector. Developing this integrated network will mutually reinforce the connections between industry requirements and institutional programme delivery.

This unique collaboration aims to be agile and responsive to the upskilling needs of the construction industry enabling professionals, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Manufacturers and Workersto upskill and gain new knowledge in a cost effective, worker-centric learning environment.

All Projects

Living Lab Project

To support the creation of a National Digital Academy, a number of living labs (online and physical) are to be established where educators and learners have access to simulations and also real-world energy performance data. VR and BIM tools will be utilized to enhance and support the development of the living labs advancing knowledge and learning through the digital world.

Featured Project

Green Alliance Project

Status: In Research

Living Lab Project

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Digital Badges

Status: In Research

Horizon Scanning Project

Status: In Research

BIM Educational Tools Project

Status: In Development

Virtual Reality & Immersive Learning

Status: In Development

Micro-credentials Project

Status: In Development