Graduate view – European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management

“The SESYM course overall is packed with opportunities to allow you to flourish into a profound and recognised professional in the field. You will feel a strong level of support from start to finish, be it from past students, lecturers, energy professionals etc. whom are involved in the alumni, you will never feel alone.“ Before […]

DASBE Interviewed for Clare FM

DASBE Manager, Elisabeth O’Brien was interviewed as part of the Clare FM radio interview in relation to the National Retrofit plan. DASBE was described in how it can enable built environment learners to gain relevant qualifications and upskill. Read more about the National Retrofit Plan here.

Discussion from recent ‘Career Progression Pathways for Retrofit’ Workshop

On November 26th, 2021, DASBE held an interactive workshop entitled ‘Career Progression Pathways for Retrofit’. Attendees included retrofit companies (One Stop Shops), educational bodies and policy makers, who came together to discuss future programme development and career pathways.  Thanks to all those that attended and contributed to a great discussion on retrofitting careers and training. […]

MSc in Built Environment Regulation GMIT Bursary

Closing Date for DASBE Bursary is December 3, 2021! The new MSc in Built Environment Regulation aims to afford advanced experience, knowledge, and training to fulfil, in part, the onerous and challenging roles, duties and responsibilities associated with the built environment regulations in the Irish Construction Industry. Internationally, this is a unique programme in the […]

How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?

Renovate 2 Recover A major Study has been published by E3G for the Renovate Europe Campaign assessing the buildings-related elements of the National Renovation Recovery Plans (NRRPs) in 18 Member States including Ireland. The aim is to understand whether NRRPs position countries to achieve longer-term targets for more and deeper renovation, and whether NRRPs have […]

GMIT Bursaries for New Built Environment Postgrads

GMIT School of Engineering is offering two new postgraduate programmes for employees in the Built Environment sector who wish to upskill and receive a qualification in the broad areas of the Irish Building Regulations and Leadership in the Circular Economy. The two new part-time Level 9 programmes are the MSc in Built Environment Regulation and […]

Recognised Micro-Learnings to Support the Digital Journey in the Construction Industry

Authored by: Elisabeth O’Brien, Bojan Milovanic, Jose Lucas Maseo, Benen McDonagh Submitted to: CitA BIM Gathering 2021, September 21st-23rd 2019 Presentation of Paper available Abstract: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the human-capital basis of the construction sector can be enriched using Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital tools to improve the […]

DASBE Manager Speaking at CitA Conference

Our DASBE Manager Lis O’Brien is speaking at this years CitA Conference. The DASBE Manager Lis O’ Brien is speaking at the CitA conference this Thursday, September 23. Lis will be talking about ‘Recognised Micro Learnings to Support the Digital Journey in the Construction Industry’. For more information visit the conference website.