Cabinet approves a landmark Circular Economy Bill
Catherine Wall

The Irish Government have announced the new Circular Economy Bill based on the Whole-of-Government Circular economy strategy published in 2021. It is an all-encompassing Bill that aims to change behaviours towards circularity and away from the previously used linear model of produce, consume, and dispose of. The new Bill has set out to reduce the waste of resources through the increase of recycling and reduction of single-use items. This Bill also sets out preventative measures such as the use of CCTV cameras to monitor illegal waste disposal or mandatory segregation and incentivized charging of commercial waste.

Transitioning to a circular economy is crucial at this time. We are building now at a faster rate than ever, the embodied carbon from the production of materials, construction and demolition of buildings makes up 11% of our total carbon emissions. By learning how to effectively reduce, reuse and recycle construction and demolition waste, and by learning how to transition from the previously linear model to a more restorative circular model that promotes sustainability, we can achieve the goal of a net-zero carbon built environment.

Circularity is a key pillar of DASBE and one of our flagship programmes is ATU’s Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy Leadership for the Built Environment. This course was designed to embrace experiential and collaborative learning opportunities by continuously embedding circular economy best practices through an academic-industry reciprocal framework.

The construction sector is currently undergoing a significant transformation, brought on by a multitude of improvements in existing policies as well as the introduction of new policies at an EU and national level in response to the climate crisis. This move towards a more sustainable built environment requires more skilled professionals than ever. DASBE has created courses specifically designed for construction professionals who share our vision of a sustainable built environment, and who wish to upskill in order to contribute to the achieving of our national climate targets.

Read more about the Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy Leadership for the Built Environment or have a look at any other DASBE courses and apply today.

View the DASBE programme listings to see the full range of courses available in Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Digital Skills.

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